A Better Way To Learn Piano.
More Than Just A Piano Course.
Does this sound like you?
You’ve bought books and watched videos and told yourself you’re going to finally get better at the piano, or even just start in the first place!
Maybe you’ve even bought courses in the past, thinking they would unlock the secrets to finally cracking the code to musical freedom!
But no matter what you’ve done so far, you just can’t seem to make the progress you really want to on the piano.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.
You, like many other aspiring pianists, are faced with the same unfortunate reality:
All the courses in the world won’t help if you don’t actually do them.
Consistent Practice Can Be Hard!
Luckily, that’s what our courses were designed for:
With step-by-step instruction and easy-to-follow formats, you’ll find it easy to stay on track.
You won’t feel overwhelmed or left behind by overly complicated material that doesn’t do a good enough job at explaining the details.
Our curriculums are meant to be easy…BUT,
What if you want to go one step further and find a group of like-minded people to be accountable to?
What if you want that extra push by becoming a member of something larger than yourself where everyone has the same goals?
Beyond the courses lies the most important thing of all:
A community.
What is “community?”
A Place You Don’t Feel Alone
Learning the piano can feel isolating when you don’t have the right people around you to help keep you on track and boost your confidence.
A Place You Have Support
It is so much easier to succeed when you see your fellow musicians around you working to reach their goals, too. They help keep you motivated.
A Place You Belong
Sometimes, others just don’t understand why you love this instrument so much. Here, you’ll find a dedicated group who all just get it.

Introducing Better Piano
The community-first piano education platform
Dedicated spaces for learning together, making connections and staying on track.
The best-selling curriculum content from the Cornell Music Academy courses.
Get access to a growing team of professional pianists to help you at every step!
Community threads specifically designed to help you reach your practice goals.
The Right Plan For You
Explore flexible membership options!
Monthly Access
Get all-access to the entire platform on a monthly basis.
Full Community Access
Pro Instructors
Full Course Library (500+ instructional videos)
Get access for $49/mo
Yearly Access
Save 50% when you subscribe for the full year! That saves nearly $300!
Full Community Access
Pro Instructors
Full Course Library (500+ instructional videos)
Get access for $297/year
Not ready to subscribe?
If you want access to the course material on a one-time purchase basis and aren’t ready to join the community, you can still get access to any of our best-selling courses directly! Click any of the course images below to find out more.
(all of the following courses are included with your Better Piano Community membership!)
When you join Better Piano, you become an all-access member to a growing, vibrant community which includes access to our entire library of courses. That means all 6 complete courses including hundreds of instructional videos with hours of content and guided exercises.
Plus, you’ll get access to the entire Better Piano community including live stream group lessons, masterclasses and stream replays. But wait, there’s more! Members get exclusive early access to all Better Piano YouTube videos!
Included courses: The Instant Piano Guide, Piano Jumpstart, Intro to Piano, Intro to Music Theory, Intro to Improvisation and Making Sense of Modes
Most piano courses are designed with a library of videos containing instruction and sometimes exercises. We believe this is the bare minimum that any piano education product must have. But when faced with the reality that most students simply don’t complete online courses, we decided we wanted to create something better. Something that would help you actually reach your piano goals. To do that, we’ve built a community-first piano education platform which is designed for your participation, engagement and ultimately, to help you achieve success far easier and far quicker. A focus on community means you’ll find it much easier to stick to your practicing goals.
Of course not! And you can set your profile to private so it can’t be seen by other members. However, we do want to stress just how important we feel your participation is as a key to your success. That’s the whole spirit of Better Piano! That being said, we’re still thrilled to have you even if you just want course and live stream access and maybe to keep an eye on the conversations happening amongst everyone. All are welcome!
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much practice is enough. The best amount of time to practice is any amount of time when you're actually doing it. For some people, that might be 10 minutes per day. For others, it might be 2 hours. With our courses, you can go as fast or as slow as you like, and you can replay any of the videos in the courses as many times as you like. You get to set your own pace and take as long as you need to work through it.
One that works! An acoustic piano will work great and so will a digital keyboard. It doesn't matter how expensive it is, how many keys it has, or how many features it has. If it has some keys and makes a sound, you can probably use it! Now of course, a better quality instrument can help make some things easier. But especially at the beginning, the important thing is that you get playing at all. You can worry about the fine details later.
You're in the right place! This community is the perfect place for you to start even if you've never even sat down at a piano before. We'll teach you everything from how to properly sit at the instrument, to correct finger technique so you don't injure yourself over a long period of time of bad habits. We'll cover everything you need to know to get started on this instrument. Plus, having a community of fellow students and musicians to bounce your ideas, struggles and questions off of means that you’ll never feel alone on your journey.
It is absolutely normal to struggle with various sections of the courses, especially when you're starting from scratch. These courses are designed to be completed again and again as needed. The exercises are not one-and-done in the sense that simply accomplishing them correctly once is enough. They are designed to be used over and over again in a consistent and repetitive practice regimen. Even once you've completed the instructional material, the exercise modules can be used time and time again! This repetition will help ensure that you're able to complete all of the sections over time. They only get easier the more you practice!
We pride ourselves on being incredibly easy to work with. Plus, we know things change and life gets in the way sometimes. We stand behind the value of what we're building, and that includes being flexible. Email us anytime at: support@betterpiano.com
What others are saying about our courses